Welcome to St. Alban's Episcopal Church
Love God, Love Your Neighbor, and Change the World
A Lenten Message from the Rector
As we journey through the heart of Lent, we are reminded that this season is a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal. Even when our initial resolve may wane, it is in our perseverance that God meets us, not in our perfection.
Lent invites us to deepen our relationship with God, to listen more closely for the Spirit’s guidance, and to allow Christ’s presence to shape us. Whether through fasting, prayer, service, or seeking, our practices are meant to turn our hearts toward the One who loves us unconditionally.
Wherever you are on this Lenten path, remember that God’s grace abounds. There is no failure in Lent—only the invitation to return, realign, and rest in God’s mercy.
As we approach Holy Week, let these remaining days be a time to embrace silence, seek reconciliation, and prepare your heart for the joy of resurrection that awaits.
May God’s grace sustain you, Christ’s love surround you, and the Spirit’s guidance lead you in these remaining weeks.
To view an introductory video of the Rev. Sonia Sullivan Clifton, click on the link above or on the QR code below:
St. Alban’s Vision Statement
St. Alban’s Church in Lexington, SC has been a witness to God’s grace since 1974. We believe that through Jesus Christ we are meant to faithfully and joyfully serve God, each other, and our neighbors.
We believe that we are being led by the Holy Spirit to become all that God calls us to be. We gladly invite others to grow with us through God’s word and sacraments.
The steadfast love of God in Christ bids us to celebrate prayer, practice, music, and learning. We are called by Jesus to love others and to bring them into this love.
In serving Christ within our parish and outside our walls we seek to actively present His presence to others. We share space with community programs and provide outreach personally and through the wider Episcopal church.
St. Alban's is an Episcopal Church which is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a Christian church, which means we believe in Jesus Christ. We also believe in the Holy Scriptures, as they are understood through reason and tradition as the living Word of God.
We are a part of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. The Diocese is committed to renewal, to sharing the faith that has changed our lives, and to increasing diversity among our ranks. In so doing, we celebrate and affirm the broad Anglican tradition, which welcomes seekers, embraces inquiry, and offers a wide variety of worship styles grounded and unified by the liturgy in our Book of Common Prayer.
The Diocese is led by Bishop Daniel Richards. We look forward to Bishop Richards annual visits to St. Alban's. To learn more about the Diocese of Upper South Carolina and Bishop Richards, we recommend visiting their website.