News & Schedules


We are in search of 2 photographers to take pictures after the service for the 50th anniversary celebration on November 10th. These photos will be posted on our website. Please reach out to the office to volunteer. 

Ushers who have not already done so, please email Mike Gearon at to register for Safe Church Training. This small list of modules is required training for all Ushers.

Upcoming dates to note:

The UTO Fall Ingathering has been extended until October 27th.

Church clean-up days are being planned for Oct. 19 and 26 starting at 8:30 am. The sign-up sheets are posted in Cobb Hall.

Look for All Saints Day inserts that will be in October bulletins. Please return them by Sunday, October 27th, for them to be included in November 3rd’s bulletin. You can email the information to the church office.

Blessing of the Animals is scheduled for November 2nd at 10:00 am.

Bishop’s visitation and 50th Anniversary Celebration – November 10th at 10:30 am with lunch to follow the service.

Annual Business Meeting – December 8th at 9:30 am.

Christian Formation Parish Initiative
Alfred Turner

We are DISCIPLES of Christ, and as His disciples we need to strengthen our faith and make our faith visible to others, both those among us and outside our church family. It is through Christian Formation that this strengthening occurs.  Therefore, Christian Formation is a lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, self, others and creation. 

At St. Alban’s an effective Christian Formation program rests on three building blocks:

*  It enables us to recognize the presence of God in our everyday life.

*  We are provided fellowship in a loving and vibrant Christian community.

*  We are allowed opportunities to connect our faith in our daily life and at work.

As disciples of Christ we should actively make His presence known in everything we do.  In order to connect to these Christian Formation building blocks are you:

* Willing to be part of a small prayer group that would meet on a regular basis?

*  Interested in being a part of a group that views instructional materials (ie. DVD’s) on the Old or New Testaments, or participate in a book study group?

*  Intrigued by an opportunity to attend an “instructed Eucharist” that would provide an opportunity to learn more about our Sunday worship experience?

*  Ready to nurture the Youth of our parish in song, prayer and faith-based activities so they lead fulfilling, joyful, and faithful lives?

So you may never say, in the future, that you have never been called by Christ to be a disciple, on this 23rd day of June, 2024, we challenge EACH of you, in His name, to commit to helping plan Christian Formation activities that will deepen your faith as you continue your spiritual journey. 

We invite you to use YOUR spiritual gifts to make Christian Formation at St. Alban’s a reality.  If you are interested in helping this team plan fall activities please contact Tom McCants, Kathy Moore or Dee Pennington.

YOU can make it happen! 

Outreach Parish Initiative

Cindi Gearon

 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

The Lord challenges us to go out and do the work He has given us to do. So, we are challenging ourselves as a congregation to go out and give more than just our financial support. Join us in bringing Jesus Christ to the Lexington Community with our lips and our lives. St. Alban’s has time, talent, and resources to give.

The Outreach task force will be asked to think creatively to identify how St. Alban’s can concentrate its time, talent, and treasure for our long-term investment.

The team will need to

·         Identify specific needs in our area not currently being fulfilled by another church or organization.

·         Analyze which needs are feasible for us to undertake with our resources while continuing the good works we are already doing.

·         Review the assets our congregation and facilities have to offer.

·         Research the interests of external partners, organizations, or missions we would want to support to ensure they want our engagement, are fiscally responsible and how we would structure the engagement.

·         Consider financial resources available in year one includes up to $10,000 total from the St. Alban’s Budget.

·         Narrow the choices to a few options that will have the most impact and present them to the congregation for their commitment and engagement.

 The possibilities (in no priority order)

·          Child tutoring/reading

·          Meals: e.g., soup kitchen once a month or prepared for a shelter

·          Senior day program

·          Men’s shelter support

·          Mother’s morning out/childcare

·          Classes for families: e.g., finance, budgeting, taxes, etc.

 Potential Organizations

·         Nancy K Perry Children’s Shelter - A safe harbor for children of Lexington County.

·         The Courage Center - Safe, supportive setting for all ages and their families on their journey to recovery from substance misuse or substance use disorder.

·         House of Peace - Offers housing to our neighbors in Lexington County in need for low weekly and monthly rates.

·         LaVie Pregnancy Care Center

·         Samaritan’s Well - A transitional shelter for homeless women and children.

·         Partnering with other churches or civic groups

·         Nearby schools

Evangelism Parish Initiative
Haidee Stith

"Evangelism is sharing the faith that is in you and listening and learning from the faith that's in somebody else. It's not just about you talking - it's about you listening and sharing; it's about a relationship where God can get in the midst." | The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry


The Vestry of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church believes that through Jesus Christ we are meant to serve God faithfully and joyfully.  A central part of that service is to embody the life and practice of Jesus in the world: to seek, name, and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people:  then invite them to more

Therefore, we invite all members of this parish who are excited about sharing Jesus’ presence to prayerfully consider becoming part of an Evangelism Task Force. The group will be asked to:

1)    Develop a plan for raising awareness in Lexington of St. Alban’s.

2)    Assess and evaluate how our parish currently invites, welcomes, and connects the people in our community with the people in our congregation. Create a plan for enhancing those efforts.

3)    Find and act upon new opportunities for such activities.

4)    Develop a plan to educate St. Alban’s members about how better to share with others about their own relationships with God through Jesus.

5)    Identify current and future opportunities for St. Alban’s to reach out in service to the community and how to best use those opportunities for inviting others to be in relationship with God through Jesus.

6)    Set goals for financial and other resources to support evangelistic undertakings of this parish.

7)    Survey and list possible community partnerships for furthering evangelism.



      Review and implement best practices to invite, welcome, and connect the people of our community with people of St. Alban’s.

      Identify parishioners who would be excited about creating and nurturing evangelism at St. Albans and then create opportunities for them to meet, fellowship, and brainstorm.

      Find resources for evangelism. Provide information for budget requests. Develop a strategic plan for action.

      Provide a format for regularly evaluating and assessing the success of evangelism at St. Albans.




Suggested questions for the Evangelism Task Force to consider:

1.     How can we invite more people to our doors?

2.     How do we make ourselves more visible in the greater Lexington Community?  Such as: signs, business cards, brochures, t-shirts, participating in community events.

3.     How can we improve our welcome to people who come on Sundays and groups who use our facilities during the week? 

4.     What can we do to improve our grounds to help visitors know where to go on our campus?  (What signs/changes do we need to help visitors understand what door to enter, where things are and who we are?)

5.     Are there ways we can encourage visitors to return and join our church family?  Could we offer newcomer classes/gatherings?

6.     What can we offer to increase the connections among existing members?