
St Alban’s Episcopal is a liturgical church. The liturgy is a celebration of the sacraments-the signs and symbols in ordinary things like bread and wine of what God is doing in Christ. Through his Holy Spirit, God is present and active in all of the sacraments.


We meet in worship to offer both thanks and praise to God, seeking meaning and purpose that makes sense of our joys and sorrows, hopes, courage and fear. We are shaped as followers of Jesus by this rhythm of gathering, listening, praying, eating, and being sent by God back out into the world.


Liturgy is integral to our spiritual life at St. Alban’s. However, Episcopal liturgy is not done by the clergy alone.  St Alban’s has a number of opportunities for liturgical involvement.  Some of these ministries include, Eucharistic Ministers, Eucharistic Visitors, Acolytes, Lectors (lay readers), Ushers, Crucifers (cross bearers), the Altar Guild and many others. Here is a brief highlight of some of these important ministry opportunities.


Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers are servants of the altar. They share the Prayers of the People during each service, and they wait patiently during the entire liturgy to bear the cup of salvation to the faithful at communion.   


Eucharistic Visitors

Eucharistic Visitors do some of the most important and most scripturally-based work of all liturgical ministers. For those members who are unable to be present at the table for any reason, it is essential for the Body to offer “the Gifts of God for the people of God.” Eucharistic Visitors, as part of the Pastoral care team, go out into the world to do just that; bringing communion from that day's Eucharist to others. By sending out “food from the table” we are following in the footsteps of the apostles as well as following our Baptismal Covenant by “striving for justice, and respecting the dignity of every human being.”



Acolytes serve the liturgical needs of those worshiping. They lead processions, light candles, help the Priest proclaim the Gospel,  and help in setting the Lord's table. At St. Alban’s we welcome both adult acolytes and youth acolytes to serve in this ministry. Information for acolytes can be found in the Acolyte Information Guide.



Lectors read the Old and New Testament scripture lessons during both services.



Ushers are busy people during Sunday mornings. They are usually found working in many parts of the church… in the Narthex where people enter, walking  around during the service, counting people, assisting  people, collecting money, and also being a part of the campus safety team.  Ushers live out their Baptismal Covenant by “seeking and serving Christ in ALL persons!”



Greeters at St. Alban’s make that important first impression! Welcoming people with a smile, saying hello and helping them find their way in the church helps to make a huge impact on everyone’s worship experience at St. Alban’s.

Additional Ministries

Altar Guild

Pastoral Care

Daughters of the King


Canterbury Way
